Performed by a licensed massage therapist, massage therapy involves using different pressures, movements, and techniques to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues in the body. With a goal of slowing down your nervous system, massage therapy can be used to release stress and tension, provide relief from symptoms and support wellness.
Whether you are seeking massage treatment for relaxation or a particular ailment, you should dress for the role of massage. After you are relaxed from a soothing massage you want to continue your feelings of comfort for the rest of the day.
Remove all jewelry even rings and earrings. This ensures that your hands, feet, and wrists can be massaged with ease. Many massages include a neck and back rub that can be hindered by necklaces.
Put on clothes that can easily be taken on and off without messing up your hair or needing assistance. Your massage treatment professional leaves the room while you undress and get dressed again, and you want this process to be easy. A flowy sun dress, or elastic shorts and a button shirt are ideal.
Slide shoes on that are comfortable and easy to take off before you head for massage treatment. This goes back to the ease you want to afford yourself after the massage is over.
Dress in older clothes that you don't mind getting oily. Massage treatment usually includes oils that aid in friction.
Pull your hair back when you dress for massage treatment. Many masseuses massage the neck and spine with oils that can cling to hair that is left down.
Swedish and deep tissue are two popular types of massage therapies. Although the two massage types have some similarities, they are actually quite different. It can be helpful to learn how to differentiate between Swedish and deep tissue massage.
Determine the goal of the massage. Massage therapists typically use Swedish massage to improve the client's circulation, relax tight muscles, increase the range of motion, and encourage the release of toxins from body tissues. It's a style that is ideal for providing general relaxation. Deep tissue massage relieves chronic stress and heavy muscle tension, in addition to relieving pain from athletic training or overuse.
Compare the different strokes used during each type of massage. During a Swedish massage, the therapist uses long movements and gliding or kneading strokes. Deep tissue massage consists of slow movements designed to target tissues located deep within the body.
Note the differences in speed and pressure. Swedish massage strokes are performed at varying speeds and pressure. Deep tissue massage is a heavier, deeper massage style. While strokes are performed at various pressures, they are always executed in a slow, deliberate fashion. The pace needs to be slower in order to give the strokes time to work on the muscle or tissue.
Watch how massage therapists use their hands and bodies. During Swedish massage, therapists typically use only their palms and fingertips to perform strokes. During deep tissue massage, massage therapists use their fingertips, thumbs, knuckles, forearms, and elbows. In addition, therapists use the weight of their bodies to relieve intense tension during a deep tissue session.
Identify which muscles and tissues are the focus of the massage. The deeper muscles and connective tissues are the focus of a deep tissue massage. A Swedish massage has little effect on connective tissues.
A massage is an exceptional way to relax and unwind but there are so many choices. Between stone massages, Swedish massages, and deep tissue massage, how do you decide which one will benefit you the best and make your visit to a spa the most enjoyable time? Knowledge of the different types of massages is a good start and here are a few tips that will help you on your way to choosing the perfect massage for you.
Ask the massage therapist which type of massage that they feel is best for you depending on your activity level and touch sensitivity.
Learn about the different massage types. A Swedish massage using light strokes and is less harsh than a few of the other massages. This is ideal for people who are sensitive to the touch or experience pain easier than others. It’s a relaxing and soothing massage. A deep tissue massage is very intense and vigorous and is a fine choice for athletes. A third popular massage is a stone massage. This unique massage involves the use of smooth, polished stones that are heated and placed at various points along the body. They are also used to do the massage instead of the massage therapist using their hands and fingers. There are other types of massages such as a pregnancy massage, which focuses on light touch and soothing certain areas.
Consider the cost involved. Massages can vary greatly in price depending on the massage therapist and the type of massage you’re getting. A deep tissue massage or a stone massage will usually be more expensive than a Swedish massage. Always find out the price variances before you commit to a type of massage.
Find out the benefits. Each type of massage offered will provide relaxation but some will provide added benefits such as stress relief, reduction of toxins and muscle soreness. Depending upon your individual situation, inquiring about the benefits can help you choose which type of massage is best suited for your situation.
Find out what to expect on your visit. There are various oils used during a massage, depending on which type you ultimately decide to get. There is usually soft music being played and a serene atmosphere. The type of massage you decide upon can be chosen by whether you want a simple relaxing experience or if you want to relieve muscle pain and knowing what to expect is part of that experience. It’s up to you to decide what is best for your body.