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Experts with steady hands tattoo subtle or bold lines of pigment along the upper and/or lower lash lines, adding drama that outlasts makeup.


For more than 20 years, Jean-Michel has applied principles of color theory, facial geometry, design/application, skin health, wound healing, anatomy, and physiology to all aspects of this craft, servicing more than 7500 clients.



We think most people would agree that the eyebrows can make the most dramatic difference to the basic symmetry and enhancement of the face as a whole. The eyebrows frame the entire face and play a vital role in creating facial symmetry. 



There are many reasons why women want to change the appearance of their areolas. Some need areola reconstruction after a mastecomy.


Others are unhappy with the color or size of their areolas. Women who have had areola reduction surgery may want micropigmentation to conceal the scars or restore the round shape.



Whether you desire a soft, natural eyelash enhancement or a bold definitive line, permanent eyeliner can be either a dramatic or subtle enhancement making the eyelashes appear full and lush. Pigment is placed between the lashes building to the clients desired thickness.



As we get older, our lips lose volume and some of the natural color and definition begins to fade. By subtly replacing lost pigment, micropigmentation can restore and enhance the shape and color of the lips, helping regain their youthful appearance.

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